Fingerprinting the Deceased &


Part 1

Open the attachment and analyze it as if you were a Latent Print Examiner. You will see an impression with ridge events and features marked. You should:

  • Identify the pattern

  • Determine what the indicated ridge events/features are, including the pattern type (there are a total of 20 items to classify). Simply make a list (1 - 20) and write down your labels, i.e., type of pattern, bifurcation, creases, dot, ending ridge, pore etc. DO NOT provide an explanation of these items.

Part 2

Explain in a 1 – 2 page essay the properties of skin and the relationship to friction-skin impressions. Consider such items as elasticity, scarring, distortion, the condition of the skin etc.

Note: Part 2 is an Essay that is independent of Part 1.

Put Part 1 and Part 2 into ONE Microsoft Word document 

  • 11 years ago
  • 10

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