Find three products advertised or sold over the internet with Senior Citizen's discounts

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Q1: Find three products advertised or sold over the internet with Senior Citizen's discounts what are they, and how big are the discounts? Do the same products feature student discounts? If so, how large are they?
Q2: Pick a firm that was an early pioneer or market leader in a market, but which has now lost its leadership position. See what you can find out about the firm and why it lost its lead. How does your explanations given in class for why pioneers may tend to fall behind?
Q3: Pick three proposed flights and look for each one on two different travel websites. 
How do the search results differ? Do you seem to be getting an unbiased listing of the best flights? 

    • 10 years ago
    Find three products advertised or sold over the internet with Senior Citizen's discounts

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