Finance excel
1. For the first 100 observations compute the average, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis
2. Based upon the skewness and kurtosis, would you say your data is normally distributed?
3. Using the first 100 observations (1978-2002) calculate the 5% VaR using the Delta-normal method.
4. Using the first 100 obs. (1978-2002) calculate the 5% VaR using the historical returns method.
5. Using the first 100 observations (1978-2002), calculate the conditional VaR.
6. Do a backtest using your delta-normal VaR on the remaining 48 observations (2003-2014) and test the result as you did in the first assignment.
7. For those last 48 observations, compute the average loss for those observations where the loss exceeds VaR. How does that compare to the conditional VaR computed from step (5)?
You are to get the real estate returns data for a specified type from Copy and past the returns to EXCEL. Edit the data into a single column.
10 years ago
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