for expert_researcher
PLease help me. I need some tutoring
Thepurposeofthisassignment istoallowthe learnertouse effective strategies tomanagetimeas a professional nurseandonline student.
Thisassignmentenablesthestudent tomeet thefollowingcourseoutcomes.
CO #3.Demonstrateeffective verbal,written,andtechnological communicationusing legal and ethical standardsfortransferringknowledge.(PO #3)
CO #4. Integratecriticalthinking andjudgment in professional decision-makingin collaboration withfacultyandpeers. (PO #4)
CO #5. Integrateapplication ofprofessional values, service,and accountabilitywhen planning for personal,intellectual,and professional development. (PO #5)
CO #9.Demonstratesresponsibilityforpersonal andprofessional developmentbyassessing computer competence,implementing plansforupgrading computerskills, and using effective strategiesforonline student success. (PO #5)
Submit theassignment to theWeek1Dropboxby Sunday,11:59 p.m.MT.
Thisassignmentisworthatotal of50points.
1. Read thisdocument (Time Management Plan Guidelines),includingtheRubric.
2. From Doc Sharing,download theTime ManagementPlanTemplate.Renamethat document asYour Last NameTime Management Plan.docx. Save itto yourown computerorflash drive in a location where you will be able toretrieve itlater.Type yourassignment directlyon the saved document.Remember that onlyMicrosoftWord 2010oralater version is acceptable.The document mustbesaved as a.docx.Save yourworkfrequentlyas you type to preventlossofyourwork.
3. Asyou prepareyour Time Management Plan, consideryourown life.When doyou work, sleep,andspendtimewithfamilyandfriends? How will the addition ofonline coursework impact yourtimemanagement?
4. CompletetheTime Management Planwith your schedule for an upcoming course week. Be suretoconsiderall the activities you will do during that week. Workonthisassignment duringWeek1. Don’twaituntilthe due datetobegin yourwork!
5. An example ofa planmaybefound at theend of thisdocument.
6. When yourassignment iscomplete, save and close thedocument.Enterthecourseand submit thedocument asan attachment totheWeek 1Dropbox.See the Week1 Assignments pageforstep-by-step instructionsonhowto usethe Dropbox.
Category | Points | % | Description: See Rubric for details. |
CategoriesUsed | 10points | 20% | Useat leastfivecategoriesforthe week that clearly describe the activities in which you participate. Youmayaddadditionalcategoriesandlabels. |
Logical Sequence | 10points | 20% | Planforeachdayoftheweekfollowsa verylogicalsequence. |
Schedule | 10points | 20% | Schedulecompletedfor 24 hours each day during 7days of the week. |
New Student Orientation | 5 | 10% | Statement shows insight into how New Student Orientation will enhance your success at Chamberlain. |
Self-Evaluation: Challenges | 5points | 10% | Statements show insight into your own time management challenges. Depth and detail are used. Brief or vague statements are not acceptable. |
Self-Evaluation: Strategies | 5 points | 10% | Statements show insight into your own strategies to overcome your time management challenges. Depth and detail are used. Brief or vague statements are not acceptable. |
Professionalism | 5points | 10% | UsedTemplateprovided.Neatandprofessionalappearance withouterrors. |
Total | 50points | 100% | Aqualityassignmentwillmeetor exceedalloftheabove requirements. |
Grading RUBRIC
Assignment Criteria | A: (92–100%) Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance | B: (84–91%) Very Good or High Level of Performance | C: (76–83%) Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance | F: (0–75%) Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance |
Categories Used
10points | Uses5 or more categories fortheweekthat clearly describe your activities. (9-10 points) | Uses5 or more categories fortheweekthat may not all clearly describe your activities. (8 points) | Uses4categories fortheweekthat clearly or unclearly describe your activities. (7points) | Usesfewer than 4categories fortheweekthat do not all clearly describe your activities. (0–6points) |
Logical Sequence
10points | Planforeachdayfollowsa verylogical sequencewithblocksof timedevotedtoactivities. (9–10 points) | Planforeachdayfollowsasomewhat logicalsequencewithblocksof time devotedtoactivities. (8 points) | Planforeachdayfollowsasomewhat logicalsequencewithout blocksof time devotedtoactivities. (7points) | Planforeachdaydoesnotfollowa logicalsequence. (0–6points) |
10points | Schedulecompletedfor 24 hours each day during 7days of the week. (9–10 points) | Scheduleincludesa few gapsinplansfor7daysof theweek. (8 points) | Scheduleincludesseveral gapsinplansfor7daysof theweek. (7points) | Scheduleincludesmany gapsinplansfor7daysof theweek,orseveral hours or days arecompletelymissing. (0–6points) |
New Student Orientation
5points | Statement shows deep insight into how New Student Orientation will enhance your success at Chamberlain. (5 points) | Statement shows some insight into how New Student Orientation will enhance your success at Chamberlain. (4 points) | Statement does not consistently show insight into how New Student Orientation will enhance your success at Chamberlain. (3 points) | Statements show limited or no insight into how New Student Orientation will enhance your success at Chamberlain. (0–2points) |
Self-Evaluation: Challenges
5points | Self-evaluationstatements showgoodinsightintoown timemanagement challenges. Details and depth are excellent. (5 points) | Self-evaluationstatements showsomeinsightintoown timemanagement challenges. Depth and details are good. (4 points) | Self-evaluationstatements do not consistently showinsightintoown timemanagement challenges. Depth and details need to be enhanced. (3points) | Self-evaluationstatements showlimitedornoinsight intoowntimemanagement challenges. Depth and details are minimal or absent. (0–2points) |
Self-Evaluation: Strategies
5points | Statementsregarding strategiesforovercoming challengesconsistentlyuseeffective strategies. Details and depth are excellent. (5points) | Statementsregarding strategiesforovercoming challengesmostly useeffectivestrategies. Details and depth are good. (4 points) | Statementsregarding strategiesforovercoming challengesusesome effectivestrategies. Details and depth are fair. (3points) | Statementsregarding strategiesforovercoming challengesuselimitedor noeffectivestrategiesand needmuchfurtherdepthand details. (0–2points) |
5points | Templateused.Workis neatandwithout typographicalorspelling errors. (5 points) | Templateused.Work has2–3 typographicalor spellingerrors. (4 points) | Templateused.Work has4 typographicalor spellingerrors. (3 points) | TemplatenotusedOR work is notneatorhas5 ormoretypographicalor spellingerrors. (0–2points) |
TOTAL: 50 points possible |
Assignment 2 Template
Time Management Plan Template
Student Name: Date:
1. Carefully read the Time Management Plan Guidelines found in Doc Sharing. This provides specific details on how to complete this assignment.
2. Rename this document by clicking “Save As.” Change the file name so it reads Your Last Name Time Management Plan.docx. For example, if your last name is Smith, type “Smith Time Management Plan.docx”.
3. Save the document as a .docx compatible with Microsoft Word 2010 or later.
4. Type your name and date at the top of this template.
5. Type your answers directly on the template. Follow all instructions. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.
6. Prior to the due date, post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum so your classmates can read the advice, too. You may also e-mail questions to your instructor.
7. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 1, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
Times | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
12 a.m.– 1 a.m. | Sleep | Sleep | Assignment Work | Sleep | Work | Sleep | Sleep |
1 a.m.– 2 a.m. | |||||||
2 a.m.– 3 a.m. | Sleep | ||||||
3 a.m.– 4 a.m. | |||||||
4 a.m.– 5 a.m. | |||||||
5 a.m.– 6 a.m. | Preparefor work and drive to work | Preparefor work and drive to work | |||||
6 a.m.– 7 a.m. | FamilyTime | FamilyTime | |||||
7 a.m.– 8 a.m. | Work | Work | FamilyTime | ||||
8 a.m.– 9 a.m. | Self-Care: Exercise | Self-Care: Exercise | Self-Care: Exercise | Family& Friends Time | |||
| |||||||
9 a.m.– 10 a.m. | Drive home | Church | |||||
10 a.m.– 11 a.m. | Housework | Housework | Course Work | ||||
11 a.m.– 12 p.m. | Sleep | Sleep | |||||
12 p.m.– 1 p.m. | Sleep | FamilyTime | |||||
1 p.m.– 2 p.m. | |||||||
2 p.m.– 3 p.m. | |||||||
3 p.m.– 4 p.m. | Family Time:Play and Homework | FamilyTime | FamilyTime | Course Study: post in TDs | Self- Care: Exercise | ||
4 p.m.– 5 p.m. | |||||||
5 p.m.– 6 p.m. | Assignment Work | FamilyTime | |||||
6 p.m.– 7 p.m. | Family Time: Supper | Preparefor work & drive | |||||
7 p.m.– 8 p.m. | Work | Course Study | |||||
8 p.m.– 9 p.m. | FamilyTime Supperand Children’s Homework | FamilyTime | Course Work: post in TD1 and TD2 | Assignment Work | |||
9 p.m.– 10 p.m. | Sleep | Sleep | |||||
10 p.m.– 11 p.m. | Sleep | Course Study: read lesson and book | |||||
11 p.m.– 12 a.m. | Sleep | Sleep |
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