Environmental Issues



  1. locate a recent peer reviewed article (preferably less than five years old and at least five pages long) related to an environmental issue. Please provide a brief review of the article (not the full review that you will write in your article critique) in the Discussion Board and include an APA style reference for the article. LESS THAN 200 WORDS




  1. Share with the class an experience where you have dealt with lack of accommodation for the user in the design of equipment, process, or product. What was done to accommodate the user? Which anthropometric principle was used? If you don’t have any personal experience, then you may research a case study in which an anthropometric principle was used. LESS THAN 200 WORDS



  2. Share with the class an experience where you have worked with, or know someone with a muscular injury caused by a manual material handling. What were the effects of this injury, and what was done to help the individual? If you don’t have any personal experience, then you may research a case study which deals with an intervention to prevent a muscular injury caused by a manual material handling task.




  1. Discuss the procedure for design using anthropometric data. Include Confidence Intervals (CIs). Select any one anthropometric measurement for males or females and find 90% CI for the mean measurement of the population using the equation 90% CI= µ±  1.65σ




           Your response should be at least 200 words in length. as source material for your response. All sources used, , must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.









Discuss the Case Study by Andres et al. [GS1] Do you agree with the conclusions and recommendations for the case study? Why or why not? What have you learned from the Case Study.


Your response should be at least 200 words in. All sources used, , must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.










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