
1-Dodge College Essay*

Prompt: Describe something that you are passionate about. How has this passion influenced you as a storyteller? How does this passion relate to your future goals?

Formatting: One (1) page maximum in length. 12pt. Times New Roman font. Single-spaced okay. 1 inch margins.



2-Major Requirement Essay*


Prompt: Describe a public relations or advertising campaign that was particularly effective in reaching its target audiences. Examine the overall goal or message of the campaign, how that message was delivered, and if the campaign was successful. This essay should not be based on just your personal opinion; please cite supporting research or information that would support your conclusions.


Formatting: One (1) pages maximum in length. 12pt. Times New Roman font. Single-spaced okay. 1 inch margins.



3-Creative Resume*

Provide a resume highlighting 5-7 pieces of what you consider to be your best creative work. These projects should demonstrate your ability to convey a story or message through creative, artistic or technical talents. As we are only asking for a limited number of projects, include more recent items and projects in which you were the driving force or had a leadership role. These can include class assignments, projects from jobs or internships, or your personal hobbies and freelance work. Please note you are NOT to submit any actual materials from this resume at this time.


Formatting: One (1) page maximum in length.


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