
  1. Go to… Google.  Find an article about your topic (the IBI image).  Read.  Write 3 paragraphs which include:
  • Paragraph 1: A 5-7 sentences long summary of the article.  For your summary you can use templates from chpt 2, OR outline what you found  

new (never heard or thought about it before)/ interesting/ important /

useful / unexpected / surprising/ smth that made you strongly agree / disagree

  • Paragraph 2:  Reflect on the content of the article?  What did it make you think of?  Were any of your questions answered?  What do you want to know more about?
  • Comment on the quality of source:  Can you trust the information from this source? Yes? No? Why?



  1. Go to… youtube.  Find video about your topic (the IBI image).  Read.  Write 3 paragraphs which include:
  • Paragraph 1: A 5-7 sentences long summary of the video.  For your summary you can use templates from chpt 2, OR outline what you found 

new (never heard or thought about it before)/ interesting/ important /

useful / unexpected / surprising/ smth that made you strongly agree / disagree

  • Paragraph 2:  Reflect on the content of the video?  What did it make you think of?  Were any of your questions answered?  What do you want to know more about?
  • Comment on the quality of your video:  Can you trust the information from this video? Yes? No? Why?
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixu4Kd5R1DI
  • 10 years ago
  • 60

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