discussion reply minimum 50 words, in own words please


1: My perception of WAN technology has change. A wide area network goes far beyond just linking sites together, there are many other services that need to be able to communicate through a WAN. For example, VoIP services need be able to reach the VoIP server for phone directory, voice mail, etc. Email, is another service that must be available to all users regarding their site. these services are just two critical services in a WAN, however, virus protection, file sharing, backups, and printing are also very important. a proper configure WAN with VLAN segmentation would make these services available to the users that need them. there are a lot of thing to consider when deploying a network, regardless of the size, a network should be properly configuring so that in the event that it becomes part of WAN. Today, my perception is that I should plan properly when deploying a switch, router, or a service such anti-virus software, because even a small network can become part of larger WAN.


2:You made some very good points regarding WAN. The planning stage is very important when deploying networking equipment. Setting up a WAN is no different. As an administrator we would need to create a list of necessary items necessary for deployment. This includes all equipment, security, storage, power, redundancy, and policies. Creating an outline helps me visualize all the different parts working together. One thing I have learned at my job is that it's very difficult to schedule the right time since we operate three shifts on weekdays and two shifts on weekends. We need to schedule accordingly so we do not remove resources from employees that need them. Backups are a wonderful thing. I can't even tell you how many times a system backup, server backup, or fail over system has saved some of the employees I work with. Things happen and we have to plan for them accordingly.


3:Hello Oscar and class, I used to do commercial installations. There's a lot of truth to what you are saying concerning how many businesses that are overloaded as far as client connectivity. In many cases this is common  among some mid-level company commercial setups. Many businesses just want to be set up as quickly as possible. Many of them do not even have IT personnel on-site or even on standby. To address their network issues concerning bandwidth and connectivity. As far as setting up a customer. Our companies demarc point was to simply activate the Gateway. Once the equipment is activated its always the customer's responsibility to make sure they have IT to make final connections to establish their network. As you have already stated the good thing about having a home network. A homeowner has the ability to become their own IT personnel by managing how many pieces of equipment  are hooked up to your network.







  • Provide one real-world application of the information learned in this class that has been the most valuable to you. Why has it been valuable?

5:I think when I budget for things algebra has really helped when we are buying shoes in our house hold we all go out and buy them at the same time so say I only have 165 dollars to spend on shoes for everyone I could use the equation 4S=165. In the end S=41.25 for each pair of shoes for each member of my family.







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