Data Analysis


Return to the the Freshman_Wt data set ( The Data was attached )with the invalid data removed and the added variable, the weight difference.  Recall that the data set contains the weight of freshmen both before and after their first semester at a leading state university.  The freshmen lived in either an on-campus dorm (O), or a private off-campus dorm managed by DormsRUs (D), who claims their students have a healthier lifestyle.


Prepare a 700-1,050 word written report that addresses the following:


  • Sort the data into groups that would allow you to more easily evaluate your two research questions. ( Research Questions:  
    1. Do the on-campus students gain more than the DormsRUs ones?
    2.  Do the men gain more wt. than the women at this school?
  • Formulate each research question into a null and an alternative hypothesis.  These should be stated mathematically and in writing.
  • Construct the same statistics and graphics that used in your earlier paper on selected groups of the data so they could help you reach tentative conclusions concerning your research questions.  In conducting this analysis, follow the example of the industrial wheel problem in Examples 2.2 and 2.17 of Statistics for Business and Economics. ( You can use any indusrial wheel problem, if need reference you can ask )
  • Discuss the center, shape, and spread of the weight difference as revealed by these graphics.
  • Reach tentative conclusions to your research questions based on these statistics and graphics.  State the reasons for your conclusions.
  • Produce a normal probability plot (called a "Normal Curve Plot" in MegaStat's Descriptive Statistics menu) for the weight difference variable.  Use this to assess whether the data are normally distributed based on Section 4.7 of  Statistics for Business and Economics.
  • Perform a mathematical assessment of normality using a formula involving the IQR and the standard deviation, which is also found in Section 4.7 of  Statistics for Business and Economics.
  • Based on comparing sections 6.3 and 6.5 of the text when would this determination of normality be useful and why? 
  • Compare at least one conclusion with one or more studies of freshmen's weight by citing journal article(s).
  • 11 years ago
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