The Scenario:
A Police Sergeant and his driver are on an assignment. After they complete the assignment (someone fell and an ambulance needed to be called), the Sgt takes the police officer (driver) out to lunch and he orders beers for them to go with their lunch. The Driver (Police Officer is still on probation
- less than 1 year on the job) and he protests to the beer....but the Sgt says "don't worry about it - you're with me". After three beers, the Sgt says it's time to go... now both of them have been drinking and are about to get into the police car.
As a criminal justice professional, how would you act if you are confronted by your supervisor and asked to do something that was morally against your principles?
In your Discussion Board post, give an example of a situation in the criminal justice field in which a moral or ethical dilemma could be presented to you. For this example, discuss the following:
How you would approach the situation?
What steps or actions would you or should you take?
What are potential positive and negative consequences for various actions taken or not taken?
What ethical principles (from consequentialism, deontology, and virtue theories, for example) would come into play in this situation?
11 years ago
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