CRJ 301 Week 4 Journal Article Review (New). Get an A++.

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Corrections and Delinquency Intervention/Prevention Programs. Use the University Library to locate a journal article encompassing

such topics as: corrections, jails, prisons, rehabilitation, or boot camps. You can use your research in your Final Paper, due in Week Five. Also, the Required and Recommended Resources, listed every week, are available to use as research for your Final Paper. Once you have found an article, provide the following information:

a. Correctly cite the article in APA format: name of journal, authors, title of article, location.

b. Summary of the article. Which type of crime intervention/prevention strategy is being addressed?

c. List key findings and recommendations. 

    • 10 years ago
    CRJ 301 Week 4 Journal Article Review (New). Get an A++.

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