Case analysis


Instructions for Comprehensive Case:

Procter and Gamble, Inc.: Scope  (p. 251 12th ed.)


Read the case.


Prepare a written analysis following the case format guidelines found in the case grading rubric provided in your syllabus.  Make sure that the following areas are included in the analysis that you submit:


Ø  Significant changes in the Canadian mouthwash market in the past three years;

Ø  Evaluation of the performance of Scope in the past three years;

Ø  SWOT analysis;

Ø  Pros and Cons of options available for Scope;

Ø  Sensitivity analysis for likely scenarios




Conclude: What alternative do you believe is best and why?  Prepare an abbreviated marketing plan for the upcoming year.  This plan should show incorporation of segmentation, marketing mix strategy, and brand positioning.  Also include an abbreviated financial analysis that is consistent with your recommended plan.

  • 11 years ago
  • 30