business operations paper
The student is requested to choose a company of his or her choice and perform an analysis of the business operations of the selected company. The company can be a manufacturing or a service company, public traded or privately held. The size of the company is not important.
The emphasis is on analyzing the different business operations as they are implemented in the company and compare them to what an optimal operations structure would be. The student should take the position of a “business consultant” who is assigned to analyze the current status of the operations, compare the status to a “what would be optimal for the company” and summarize the findings in a strong conclusion and recommendation part or the paper.
The paper should be between 10 to 20 pages plus cover sheet, table of contents and a list of references.
All documents are to be typed, spell-checked and grammar-checked and conform to APA Standard (American Psychological Association, 2012: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association)
10 years ago
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