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INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW Assessment 2 Individual Report PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Candidates are required to write 2000 words on the topic given below. Your argument, must be supported by appropriate references. References must be cited in Harvard referencing style (eg Smith 1992) .The assignment must include a bibliography (list of references used in the assignment). The Internet may be used for authoritative reference material provided the source, author, date of access, and site address is clearly shown in footnote format. In addition to sources from the Internet, at least two or three hard-copy sources must also be used. These can be either books or articles or both. Materials from any common law jurisdiction may be used. Assignment You work for an advertising company and are asked to review a holiday package from a brochure before it goes to print. You are asked to provide advice to the advertising company on the legal effect of the representations in the brochure. You are asked to produce a report for management outlining the issues relating to the brochure. Select a package holiday brochure. Read it and analyse it, looking to answer the following questions in your report; Identify the key information about the holiday as set out in brochure. Critically analyse the package using the principles of contract law found in case law and categorise the statements into representations, terms, conditions and warranties. Critically analyse and identify any material in the brochure which is potentially; unconscionable misleading or deceptive false representation bait advertising offers gifts or prizes In your report explain the effect of these representations having regard to the consumer and consumer protection laws. You should outline the law relating to advertising including improper business practices, any legislation regulating advertising, unlawful sales techniques and the powers of enforcement. Critically...

  • 9 years ago
BUSINESS LAW 2ND ASSIGNMENT Solution A++ Tutorial Use As Guide

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