BUS 308 Week 3 Problem Set

1.      Is the average salary the same for each of the grade levels? (Assume equal variance, and use the analysis toolpak function ANOVA.) 

Set up the input table/range to use as follows:  Put all of the salary values for each grade under the appropriate grade label.



2.      The factorial ANOVA with only 2 variables can be done with the Analysis ToolPak function 2-Way ANOVA with replication.  Set up a data input table like the following:



3.   Repeat question 2 for the compa values.



4.   Pick any other variable you are interested in and do a simple 2-way ANOVA without replication.  Why did you pick this variable and what do the results show?



5.   What are your conclusions about salary equity now?







    • 10 years ago
    BUS 308 Week 3 Problem Set-Solution ( Solved by CPA)

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