BUS 210 Week 7 - 100% ORIGINAL

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BUS 210 Week 7 - 100% ORIGINAL


BUS 210 Week 7 Discussion Question 1

There are many ways that a company can motivate its employees. Consider the different types of pay and benefits described on pp. 420–423 of the text. What type of incentive do you think is most effective for creating a motivating work environment? Why?

Word Count: 202


BUS 210 Week 7 Discussion Question 2

Your instructor will assign you one of the five areas of human resources management to discuss. Imagine that you work in the human resources (HR) department of a medium-sized company. Your manager has asked you to brainstorm ways to improve one of the five areas of human resource management in your company. Assuming that all five areas are currently functioning at an equal level, what type of improvement would you implement in your assigned area? What effect do you think the improvement will have on your business?

Word Count: 338

BUS 210 Week 7 CheckPoint: The Impact of HRM

-Your manager has asked you to draft a proposal for improving the management of human resources in your company.

-Resource: Ch. 13 of Introduction to Business

-Describe the best ideas for improvement presented in the brainstorm session from the human resource improvement Discussion Question.

-Select the best ideas from at least two of the different areas discussed. What are the different ways that changes to these areas would affect a business?

-Explain your answer in a 200- to 300-word response

    • 10 years ago
    BUS 210 Week 7 - 100% ORIGINAL

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