BUS 2023 Business Communication week 1 assignment 4 Final Project
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Assignment 4: Final Project
You will start the final project this week which will continue through Week 6. This week’s assignment has three parts and includes the following:
- Write an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses regarding communication (minimum of 2 paragraphs for your strengths and 2 paragraphs for your weaknesses). In your analysis, consider your writing skills such as grammar, punctuation, syntax, wordiness, etc. Also, consider your abilities or weak areas in verbal communication such as formal presentations, speaking in meetings or class, or informal discussions.
- Create a “tip sheet” that addresses ways in which you can improve on your communication weak areas. Your tip sheet should be in an easy-to-read outline or bulleted format which lists 15-20 items.
- Prepare a second tip sheet of 15-20 items for improving weak areas which is specific and personal for you. On this tip sheet, list your weak area and then the suggestion for improvement. For instance, if you always misspell certain words, include those words spelled correctly on your tip sheet. If you get nervous during a presentation, write a list of preparations that will help you be calm. This tip sheet will serve as a reminder in your portfolio and will provide quick reference for your future use.
12 years ago
BUS 2023 Business Communication week 1 assignment 4 Final Project
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