BSHS/425 BSHS 425 Administration & Management of Human Service Programs / (University of Phoenix)
Individual Human Service Programs: Commonalities & Successes Paper | Write a 350-to 700-word paper on what makes human service organizations unique from organizations in the general business world. Examples of human service organizations include the Department of Social Services, mental health agencies, adoption agencies, and Area Agencies on Aging.
· Include the common denominator or central focus of all human service programs. · Describe trends of human service. · Identify qualities of human service agencies that are associated with and contribute to success.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. |
Learning Team Instructions Dream Human Service Program Part I | Complete Part I of University of Phoenix Material: Dream Human Service Program. |
Individual Empowerment Approach to Human Services Management Paper | Review the 12 principles presented by Hardina et al. in the section titled “Humans Service Organizations and Empowerment” in Ch. 4 of Management of Human Service Programs. Additional resources may be used.
Discuss the principles that characterize an empowerment approach to social service management.
Evaluate how you might apply these principles to the developmental processes of your own dream human service organization.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that applies the principles presented by Hardina et al. to your dream human service organization. Specifically, address the following:
· How clients will be included in the organizational decision-making processes
· How your dream agency will decrease a sense of powerlessness among consumers and increase access and quality of services for clientele
· The measures your dream human service agency will take to ensure diverse cross-cultural needs are met
· Consider the following areas of diversity: socioeconomic background, culture, age, gender, sexual identity, spirituality, disability, and other unique differences.
· The ideological belief systems of a manager who espouses empowerment for the overall agency, staff members, and clientele
· How the concepts of team building and collaboration are met within the organization
· The strategies for consistent evaluation of organizational efficacy that includes strategic feedback from clients, community constituency groups, and staff members within the agency
Format your report consistent with APA guidelines. |
Learning Team Community Agency Interviews Part II | Complete Part II of University of Phoenix Material: Community Agency Interviews. |
Learning Team Instructions Community Agency Interviews Part III | Complete Part III of University of Phoenix Material: Community Agency Interviews. |
Learning Team Instructions Dream Human Service Program II | Complete Part II of University of Phoenix Material: Dream Human Service Program. |
Individual Diversity in the Workplace: Implications for Human Resource Development Paper | Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on diversity in the workplace and its implications for human resource development.
Address a time at your workplace you experienced or observed organizational discrimination. Include the following:
· A brief description of the event and the work environment the discrimination occurred (Omit identifying demographic information and use fictitious names as needed.)
· Federal and state legislation that supports fair workplace practices
· The responsibilities of human resource managers and their implications concerning race, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual or religious beliefs, and disabilities
· How risk management strategies support equity within the workplace
· Why issues of diversity within the workplace are paramount for human service workers and for management of human service organizations
· How this experience or observation may influence issues of diversity within your dream organization for Week Five’s Learning Team Presentation
· How this would apply to the development and management aspects of human resources
Format your report consistent with APA guidelines. |
Individual Supervisory Roles & Theories of Motivation Paper | Review objectives from Week Four, notes from class, and “The Supervisory Process” in Ch.7 of Management of Human Service Programs.
Write a 1,050– to 1,400-word paper (3 or 4 pages) that presents how key elements of the supervisory process are influenced by theories of motivation. Consider how this information may be applied within the Learning Team’s dream organization.
· Clarify the salient roles of the supervisor who draws from an empowerment approach to achieve organizational effectiveness.
· Provide a brief overview of the theories of motivation presented in the textbook that will work best within the development of you dream organization.
· Discuss why these strategies were selected. Specifically, what are the anticipated benefits? What are the anticipated challenges?
· Identify how the principles of motivation will be applied within an empowerment environment.
· Explain how motivation theory supports an organizational culture wherein clients play the role of collaborative, active participants in agency decision-making processes.
Format your report consistent with APA guidelines. |
Learning Team Community Agency Interviews Part IV | Complete Part IV of University of Phoenix Material: Community Agency Interviews. |
Learning Team Dream Human Service Program Part III | Complete Part III of University of Phoenix Material: Dream Human Service Program. |
Week 1 DQ 1
What is the central focus of all human service programs? Why is this focus paramount to human service workers?
Week 1 DQ 2
How do political, economic, social and technological trends impact human service agencies?
Week 2 DQ 1
The textbook presents five approaches to organizational design. Describe the five distinct theories and/or approaches and key elements to:
o classical, bureaucratic theories
o human resource approaches
o contingency theories
o open systems theory
o empowerment approaches
Week 2 DQ 2
What theory or approaches do you see in action within the agency selected for Team Interviews and subsequent Learning Team Presentation in Week Three?
Week 3 DQ 1
What is the value in a diverse workplace that is inclusive and welcoming to all? What value is there in eliciting consumer and client input for organizational developmental processes?
Week 3 DQ 2
What are three major stages of financial management processes? What makes each component a salient part of program efficacy?
Week 4 DQ 1
What are the key roles and qualities found in effective supervisors within the human service agency environment?
Week 4 DQ 2
What role does information technology play in measurement of human service organizational effectiveness and responsiveness?
Week 5 DQ 1
What characteristics of leadership models do you see as most important within the human service delivery system? Why?
Week 5 DQ 2
What may consultants have to offer that individuals inside the organization may not lend?
11 years ago
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