Biology Lab
Biology Lab 10
This table and spindle is needing to be filled out by 14 people and im confused as to how its needing to be done the instuctions are as follows and I am just needing info how to do It I don’t have 14 people to survey so im just needing to know how to fill this in with my dummy people info ..
1. Formulate a hypothesis about whether a population of friends, family, and/or acquaintances is similar or different to you in appearance. Obviously, the population that is queried may guide this hypothesis.
2. Choose at least 14 people, including yourself, as subjects. Using the following Trait Description checklist, gather data about each individual, and mark the results on Data Table 1. Note that the first person’s data has been added as an example of how to record the data.
3. After you have queried 14 people, transfer the table results to the genetic traits chart, Figure
1. Begin in the center and work from the center outward. Mark the outer circle at the point that the last allele is found. Note that the first entry is completed for you. In the chart, capital letters equate to a dominant and hybrid gene pair (FF and Ff). The lower case letters equate to a totally recessive gene pair (ff).
Table 1 Single-gene Traits of a Selected Population
Subject # > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total
XX Female XX
XY Male
FF,Ff = unattached
ff = attached ff
RR,Rr = roller R
rr = can't roll
SS,Ss = straight thumb
ss = bent thumb ss
MM,Mm = hair
mm = no hair mm
TT,Tt = left on top T
tt = right on top
LL,Ll = two tendons L
ll = three tendons
10 years ago
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- population_trait.docx