Biographical Research; 1- Stokely Carmichael 2- Jackie Robinson

Selected Level

The essay includes a clear, compelling statement of its thesis, research question, and/or main argument.

The essay's statement of its purpose is clear but could be strengthened somewhat.

The essay includes a satisfactory statement of its purpose.

The essay's statement of purpose needs to be clarified or strengthened significantly.

The essay does not include a satisfactory statement of its purpose.  The thesis, research question, or main argument of the essay is unclear.

Selected Level

The essay is organized effectively into an appropriate number of thoughtfully ordered paragraphs, generally including a strong introduction and conclusion.

The essay is well organized for the most part.  The effectiveness of its organization could be enhanced by more focused paragraphs and/or a stronger introduction or conclusion.

The organization of the essay is clear, but its paragraph structure may require some revision.  One or more paragraphs may be too long or too short, their main points may be unclear, or an effective introduction or conclusion may be missing.

The basic structure of the essay is apparent, but its organization does not emphasize its main points or address its overall purpose sufficiently.  Important elements of the paper, including an introduction or a conclusion, may be missing.

The organization of the essay is not adequate for its purpose.  It may be excessively brief, or essential structural elements may be missing.

Selected Level

The essay presents the student's own voice throughout, developing ideas and arguments carefully, thoroughly, and creatively.

The essay strongly reflects the student's voice, but ideas and arguments may require further development, the interrogation of assumptions, or the consideration of other perspectives.

The essay clearly expresses the student's own ideas and perspective, but its arguments could benefit from significant further examination and development.

The student's perspective is evident, but the essay does not develop and explore arguments and ideas sufficiently.  The essay may need to allow significantly more space for the student's own voice.

The student's own arguments and ideas are not meaningfully developed in the essay.

Selected Level

The essay demonstrates a mastery of diction, syntax, usage, grammar, and mechanics appropriate to college writing at the sophomore level.

The essay demonstrates competence in appropriate diction, syntax, grammar, and mechanics but may require some editing with attention to these areas.

The essay meets expectations with respect to diction, syntax, grammar, and mechanics but may require significant further editing.

The essay requires significant proofreading and editing.

The essay does not meet expectations of academic writing at the sophomore level with respect to diction, syntax, grammar, and mechanics.


The essay demonstrates a mastery of source material assigned by the instructor and/or researched by the student.  It draws judiciously and throughly on available information, referencing and citing works appropriately.

Selected Level

The essay demonstrates a thorough familiarity source material assigned by the instructor and/or researched by the student, referencing and citing works appropriately.  Some information of significance may have been neglected or misunderstood.

The essay demonstrates an adequate familiarity with its sources, citing and referencing works appropriately.  The essay may need to draw on a broader or more appropriate range of sources, or important information may be missing.

The essay needs to use and reference sources more effectively.  The essay may not draw on a sufficent source base, quotation may be excessive, or all works may not be cited fully. 

Appropriate use of sources is not evident in the essay.  Essential information from sources may be missing or have been misrepresented, or the essay may not cite and reference its sources. 

Overall Score
    • 8 years ago
    • 20

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