BIO Assignment - Calculating Ecological Footprints

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Calculating Ecological Footprints- Chapter 12






  1. In 2010, under its WaterSense program, the EPA began promoting showerheads that produce still-lower flows of 2 gallons per minute (gpm). Some cities are already requiring these, and some models today go even lower. How much water would you save per year by using a 2-gpm showerhead instead of a 2.5 gpm showerhead?

  2. How much water would you be able to save annually by shortening your average shower time from 8 minutes to 6 minutes? Assume you use 2.5 gpm showerhead.

  3. Compare your answers to questions 1 and 2. Do you save more water by showering 8 minutes with a 2-gpm showerhead or 6 minutes with a 2.5-gpm showerhead?

  4. Can you think of any factors that are not being considered in this scenario of water savings? Explain.


    • 11 years ago
    BIO Assignment - Calculating Ecological Footprints Sol

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