Big edited
Week 12 Discussion
The Evolving Big Picture
Management is a process or series of continuing and related activities, focus on attaining goals and objectives set by the organization and by working with and through the human resources and other resources of the organization while executing four main functions – planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling to that the goals are achieved . But like everything else nothing in life is without its fair share of challenges and problems to solve.
Morgan (2006) list a number of ideas about the management challenges organizations face. Five of these which this scholar-practitioner have identified are?
1. What five ideas about the management challenge facing organizations have you identified?
2. What is your prevailing image of organization now? Has it changed in light of reading Morgan?
3. What five ideas about the management challenge facing individuals have you identified?
[removed]Author: Anonymous
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:25:02 AM EDT
Subject: Discussion - Week 12
The Evolving Big Picture
Now that you are at the end of this course, reflection on what you've studied is crucial. Using what you've read as a guide, consider the following questions:
Post your initial response by Day 3.
Read a selection of your colleagues' postings.
Respond by Day 5 to at least two of your colleagues’ postings. In your responses, be sure to do the following:
Define Management & Its Functions ...
Retrieved from http://www.Managementinnovations.Wordpress.Com/.../Define-Management-Its-Functi..
Maslow, A. (1965). Eupsychian Management: A journal. Homewood, Ill: R.D. Irwin.
Maslow, A. H. (2000). The Maslow business reader (Stephens, D. C., Ed.). New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organizations. (Updated Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., & Beznosov, K. (2009). An integrated view of human,
organizational, and technological challenges of IT security management. Information
Management & Computer Security, 17(1), 4-19.
Author:Access the profile card for user: Rachel Abraham Rachel Abraham
Date: Monday, November 17, 2014 12:32:06 PM EST
Subject: RE: Discussion - Week 12
The five ideas about the management challenge facing organizations that I have identified are the following:
- Having the right people in the management team – The organization needs to have the right people to survive in the business world (Morgan, 2006).
- Supervising and motivating employees – Motivating of employees can happen if the organization is a learning organization (Morgan, 2006).
- To always be improving (Morgan, 2006).
- Adjusting to changing business environment (Morgan, 2006).
- Technological challenges – like security for the information processed (Werlinger,
Hawkey & Bennosov, 2009).
The prevailing image of an organization is organization is like an organism. It needs to survive in the business world (Morgan, 2006). After reading Morgan’s book I have learnt a lot. I learnt that an organization is like a machine where it needs people to operate it. Also I learnt that an organization is like a brain, it needs to continuously be thinking of new ways to improve. This way the organization can improve themselves and the community around them.
The management challenges facing individuals I have identified are all human beings have needs like physiological, safety, social and esteem. When one need is not met they strive for the other. For example when one employee does not sleep the previous night because they were partying, I have seen them come and buy the Red Bull drink to keep them active. Other times I have seen how people steal when they lack money. An employee needs safety at the place they work. Also an employee needs to be appreciated for what they do.
Other management challenges facing an individuals are learning technology. Some people are not used at working with the computer so they constantly make mistakes. For this the organization needs to create a learning culture whereby people can be always learning new things (Morgan, 2006).
Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organizations. (Updated Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Maslow, A. H. (2000). The Maslow business reader (Stephens, D. C., Ed.). New York: John
Wiley & Sons.
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., & Beznosov, K. (2009). An integrated view of human,
organizational, and technological challenges of IT security management. Information
Management & Computer Security, 17(1), 4-19.
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