Astronomy Light spectrums


Write a 3-4 page apa formatted paper discribing Spacial light spectrums: 1" margins, 12pt Times font, double spaced. 

  • Discribe how the spectra of each light differs from the other and what accounts for these differences? (Fluorescent light, incandescent light, and a streetlight)
  • How would the spectra of other light sources such as ( tvs, metal halide bulbs, or fire) compare to the sources above? 
  • Discribe the spectrum of light visable in space?
  • Explain the process of measuring the diameter of the sun or moon? 
  • What is the diameter of the sun using a pinhole viewer?
  • What is the diameter of the moon using a pin whole viewer? 
  • How much larger is the sun then the moon and why do they appear the same size in the sky? 

Please use APA formating, cite at least 2 sources, and have this completed by the deadline listed above. 

Any questions please message me. Must not be plagiarized  

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