ARTS 100 Week 2 Individual Assignment Music Experience Descriptions
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Individual Assignment: Music Experience Descriptions
• Choose five examples of musical pieces. Select at least one example each from the Baroque,
Classical, and Romantic periods. Use the University Library, Electronic ReserveReadings for
ARTS/100, the Internet, or other resources to
• Researchand analyze your five selections.
• Listento each selection several times after conducting your research.
• Preparea 100-to 200-word description of each piece of music. Be sure to list the composition,
composer, performer, and style. Describe what you heard. Discuss your understanding of the use of
rhythm, melody, harmony, tonality, texture, and form in each example. Indicate what you liked and did
not like. Summarize your overall impressions.
- 10 years ago
ARTS 100 Week 2 Individual Assignment Music Experience Descriptions
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