Argumentative Essay

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Type of work: | Writing from scratch |
Type of paper: | Argumentative essay |
Paper details: | using argument, we attempt to convince readers to change their minds or actions, to defend or explain convictions or actions, or to question an established belief or course of action. As writers, we need to understand that when we argue, our goal is not always to win our audience over to a specific side or point of view; our goal may be to enable our audience to understand our perspectives. When we argue, we must always remember the ethical component of arguments. The best types of arguments occur when we write ethically, making our points openly and honestly, addressing the opposition straight on, and working for clarity and understanding all around. For this assignment, you will write an argument that addresses an issue for which you feel strongly (remember--an issue is a matter of public concern); however, several topics are unsuitable for this assignment. These are listed in the "Unsuitable Topics for Essays 3 and 4" resource posted in our Moodle page (any essay addressing these unsuitable topics will not be graded). You are required to perform research for this assignment and use at least one outside source in your essay. However, this or any other source you use for this essay cannot be an "Internet source" (a source retrieved through search engines, such as Google,, Yahoo, bing!, and so on). This means that any .com, .org, and other sites are unacceptable for this assignment and will negatively affect your essay's grade; however, .gov (government) and .mil (military) sites are perfectly fine. You can use your Internet connection, though, to retrieve full-text articles from the library's databases and electronic government documents from the library's catalog--I do not consider these to be "Internet sources." Since you are and will continue to write academically, it is expected that you will conduct academic research as well. Introducing you to our library research is certainly one of the aims of this and the next essay assignment. Grading criteria for this assignment include thesis, development, organization, language skills, and MLA documentation. Other requirements: The essay must be 1000 words long. Essays over 1000 words will not be graded. Title, heading, Works Cited page entries, and parenthetical citations will not count toward this 1000 maximum limit. At the end of your essay, include a word count. The essay's format must follow the requirements for the previously submitted essays. Your essay's name must follow this example: yourlastname_argument Your essay file must be .doc, .docx, or .rtf. |
Paper format: | MLA (View style guide) |
Sources: | 2 |
Additional materials: | Not needed |
11 years ago
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