A+ Answers of the following Questions

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712. Correcting misplaced and dangling modifiers Completed

Read the sentence in each box below and determine if it contains any misplaced or dangling

modifiers. Then, edit the text provided to correct any errors you find. Because items can

have more than one correct answer, when you submit your answers you will see only a

suggested answer for each item, and you will not receive a score for this exercise. 

1. Filling out an application for college, many schools require an admissions essay.

2. Every student nearly struggles to write a convincing essay.

3. At some schools, admissions officers have begun to ask students to describe the writing help they received, wondering if the essays are actually written by applicants.

4. At one prominent university, the essay form says that "all good writers seek feedback, advice, or editing" that all students must complete.

5. A few students write their essays without help who are very confident of their writing skills.

6. If those students report that they did not get any assistance truthfully, will admissions committees think that they are lying?

7. Of course, seeking input is always a good idea before submitting written work.

8. Not wanting to give the wrong impression, anyone from a friend to a professional may be
consulted for help with an important piece of writing.

9. Admissions officers say that they need to know how much is a student's own work of the
admissions essay.

10. While trying to make the admissions process fair to students who play by the rules, students continue to feel that they are under tremendous pressure when they apply to colleges.

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