Answer stat questions
jackiecWillling to pay for correct answers for below questions.
1. Inaschool election, fivepeople runfor student bodypresident.Theactualnumberofvotes for eachcandidatewouldbea(n) variable. If thetotal number ofvoteswere removedandthecandidateswerelisted inorder ofleast tomost popular, thiswouldbea(n)
a. ratio; ordinal b. ordinal;ratio c. ratio; nominal
d. nominal;ordinal
2. Aresearcher wasinterested intheeffectsofgenderonattitudestowardwomen inleadership positions. Theresearchersurveyedagroupofindividuals,12ofwhomwere menand12of whomwerewomen.Inthisexample,whatistheexplanatory/independentvariable?
a. typeofleadershipposition b. the12womenin thestudy
c. thegenderof theparticipants
d. theparticipants'attitudestowardwomeninleadershippositions
3. Aresearcher wasinterested intheeffectsofgenderonattitudestowardwomen inleadership positions. Theresearchersurveyedagroupofindividuals,12ofwhomwere menand12of whomwerewomen.Inthisexample,whatisthe response/dependentvariable?
a. typeofleadershipposition b. the12womenin thestudy
c. thegenderof theparticipants
d. theparticipants'attitudestowardwomeninleadershippositions
An industrialpsychologist atacompanyhasheard thatdeskbikescouldhelpemployeesto lose weight, increasetheir stamina, andimproveproductivity. Sixteenemployeeswereprovidedwith deskbikesandthetotalnumber ofpoundsthey lost, after onemonth, was recorded. Hereare thedata, inpounds lost, peremployee:
4 | 8 | 12 | 0 | 2 | 20 | 18 | 0 | 12 | 6 | 12 | 16 | 10 | 8 | 12 | 4 |
4. Whatistherangeofthisdistribution?
a. 0to20 b. 20
c. 18 d. 4
5. What is themeannumberofpoundsthatwerelostbytheemployeesinone month?
a. | 9.88 |
b. | 10.4 |
c. | 12 |
d. | 9 |
6. Whatisthemediannumberofpoundsthatwerelostbytheemployeesinone month?
a. | 8 |
b. | 9 |
c. | 10 |
d. | 11 |
7. Whatisthevarianceofthenumberofpoundsthatwerelostbytheemployeesinone month?
a. | 37.33 |
b. | 9.72 |
c. | 9.85 |
d. | 6.11 |
8. What is theInterquartile rangefor thisdistribution?
a. | 4 |
b. | 8 |
c. | 9 |
d. | 12 |
9. Howmanyoutliersare in thisdistribution?
a. 0 b. 1
c. 2
d. Unable todeterminefrom thisinformation
Thefollowinggraphdepictsthetypicalrelationshipfoundbetweenphysiologicalarousal(anxiety) levels(e.g.,rangefrom0= noanxietyto10=extremeanxiety) andtest performance(e.g., percentageofcorrectanswerson test).
0 2 4 6 8 10
10. Basedonthisgraph, whattypeof relationexistsbetweenphysiologicalarousalleveland test performance?
a. Thereisnorelationbetweenageandreactiontime b. Linear
c. Curvilinear
d. It isnot possibletotell, given theinformationinthegraph.
11. Whichof thefollowingbestcaptureswhatthegraph(PhysiologicalArousalLevelandTest
Performance) depicts?
a. Thereisnorelationbetweenphysiologicalarousallevelandtest performance.
b. There isa linearrelationbetweenphysiologicalarousallevelandtest performance, suchthattest performance increaseswith increasedphysiologicalarousallevel.
c. There isa linearrelationbetweenphysiologicalarousallevelandtest performance, suchthattest performancedecreaseswithincreasedphysiologicalarousallevel.
d. Testperformanceincreasesasphysiologicalarousal level increases,becomingits
bestatamoderatearousal level,butafterthat point,testperformancedecreasesas physiologicalarousallevels increase.
Apsychologistwasinterestedinseeingifshecouldpredict aperson’s level ofdepression, basedonhisor her self-esteem. “Depression"wasassessedusingastandardizeddepression inventory;thehigher thescoreonthedepressionmeasure, themoredepressivesymptomsthe personwasexperiencing. “Self-Esteem"wasassessedusingastandardizedself-esteem measure; thehigher thescoreontheself-esteem measure, thehigher theperson’sreported level ofself-esteem. Thistableshows theresultsfor the10participants.
RelationshipBetweenSelf-EsteemScoresand Depression
0 10 20 30 40
12. Basedontheinformationpresentedinthescatterplot,whatisthemostlikelycorrelation betweendepressionscoresandself-esteem scores?
a. +.76 b. -.76 c. +.23 d. -.23
Self-EsteemScores | DepressionScores |
Mean 3.43 15.78 | |
Standard Deviation 0.75 10.34 |
13. Theabovechartcontains themeansandstandarddeviationsfor self-esteemscoresand depressionscores. Using thisinformationandthemostlikelycorrelationcoefficient obtainedinQuestion12,whatis theregressionequationfor thisdata?
a. y=-51.72-10.48x b. y=-21.45-1.65x c. y=51.72-10.48x d. y=21.45-1.65x
14. Anutritionistwasinterestedindetermining thesmokingstatusofher clients.Sheasked eachofher clientstoreport hisor her currentsmokingstatus: Smoker,Ex-Smoker, and Non-Smoker.Whichofthefollowinggraphical techniques is thebestwayforher to represent thedata?
a. piechart
b. scatterplot c. histogram d. stemplot
15. Acar dealershiphascollectedtheages, inyears, ofall itsfirst timecustomers.Thebest waytographthisdata wouldbeusinga .
a. scatterplot b. histogram c. piechart
d. pictogram
16. Whenrecruitingasampleof individualstoparticipate inastudyonreactiontime, researchersusedthemost recent censustoidentify local older adults,whowere
between theagesof60and65, between65and70, between70and75,between75and
80, andbetween80and85.Oncetheyhad identifiedthesesubgroups, theresearchers randomlyselected20peoplefromwithineachagegrouptoparticipatein thestudy. Whatkindofsamplingmethoddidtheresearchersuse?
a. conveniencesampling
b. random sampling
c. stratifiedsampling
d. cluster sampling
17. Restaurantdiners,whopost reviewsofrestaurants theyhavedinedat, on, constitutewhattypeofsample?
a. cluster sample
b. volunteer sample c. random sample
d. conveniencesample
Pleaseusethefollowinginformationandhistogramtoanswerquestions18, 19, and20.
BusinessMagazinegraphed theagesof the ChiefExecutiveOfficers(CEOs) of48large companies.
18. What is theshapeofthisdistribution?
a. symmetric- uniform b. skewed right
c. skewedleft
d. symmetric- bimodal
19. What percentageofCEOsareunder theageof 30?
a. | 6% |
b. | 3% |
c. | 2% |
d. | 4% |
20. Whichofthefollowingistrueabout thedistribution?
a. Themedianwill belarger thanthemean
b. Themedianwill besmaller thanthemean
c. Themedianandmeanwill beabout thesame d. Unable totellfrom the informationprovided
21. According to U.S. News & World Report data, in 1995 tuition costs at Indiana University, a public university, were $2,984 per year, while the tuition costs at the University of Evansville, a private university in Indiana, were $11,800 per year. In that same year the average cost of tuition at all public U.S. colleges was $2,208, with a standard deviation of $1,041, and the average cost of tuition at all private U.S. colleges was $10,979.68, with a standard deviation of $4,057.
a. What is the z score for Indiana University?
b. What is the z score for the University of Evansville?
c. Which school was more expensive to attend in 1995, relative to the cost of education in its own category?
d. What is the probability of a private university costing less than $11,800? (Hint: Use the mean and standard deviation values for all private schools to answer this question.)
e. What is the probability of a public university costing less than $2,984? (Hint: Use the mean and standard deviation values for all public schools to answer this question.)
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