Answer the following APA style in one 2-3 pages


Please research on the Internet and answer the following questions. Provide detailed information such as the number of units sold in 2013 or the most available recent dates.


1.     Who is the top three global producer of:


a.      Television

b.     Computer

c.      CPU

d.     Hard disk drive

e.      Memory (RAM, Jump Drive, etc.)

f.      Digital camera

g.     Routers and Switches

h.     Network Cables


2.     Who makes the best television today (justify your answer with references)

3.     What are the top ten fastest PC CPUs? (list the make and model number)

4.     Which network/Internet Service Provider offers the fastest home Internet services? What is the speed and how much does that service cost per month?

5.     What is the difference between Intel i7, i5, i3, and AMD A10, A8, A6, and A4 CPUs?

    • 10 years ago
    • 8