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Computer users may encounter situations in which they can best express a computer-related problem or solution by showing the audience a graphic or video representation of what is displayed on a computer screen. For example, if you wanted to show how to copy files from an external storage device to a computer, it could be helpful for the audience to see what to click and the response to clicking. Even if your tutorial is not computer based, explore the Internet and find a free or low-cost tool (i.e., software, application) that can be used to create video or graphic screen captures that would be appropriate for describing an aspect of a tutorial. The screen capture tool’s features may include selecting only a portion of the screen to copy, adding audio to video captures, or enhancing images through spotlight or magnify options.

Post your review of the tool here and include the following information in your post:

  • Name of the tool and URL where the tool can be found
  • Features that make the tool easy to use
  • Aspects of the tool that are complicated or unreliable
  • An example situation where the tool would prove useful
    • 10 years ago
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