450 words due today


150 words

How many solution sets do systems of linear inequalities have? Do solutions to systems of linear inequalities need to satisfy both inequalities? In what case might they not?



150 words

Do the equations x = 4y + 1 and x = 4y – 1 have the same solution? How might you explain your answer to someone who has not learned algebra?


75 words

As we continue with our learning, I would like to continue relating these topics to everyday life.  Can you think of a situation where we might want to use a system of linear inequalities?  Start with thinking about where we use inequalities (hint:  think back to our earlier discussions).  How might using systems of inequalities help us with many of the problems of today's world?



75 words

I know that many of you benefit from visual descriptions.  I thought I'd pass along a good one of systems of linear inequalities that I found.  Check out this website:  http://www.mathwarehouse.com/algebra/linear_equation/systems-of-equation/system-linear-inequality.php

    • 12 years ago
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