4 papers and 3 post


this needs to be done in apa format

2 full pages with refrences


Research happens in everyday life. Sometimes you can easily identify research in newspapers and magazines

Every week, you will be using any of the online newspapers below and finding one article that you can identify that shows some sort of research. Look for phrases such as "according to a study", specific data or percentage changes. Pay attention to how that study or data is used and explained in the article. Opinion articles should be avoided. Share the link, the author's full name, the date the article was published and the title of the article.

The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Chicago Sun-Times
The Wall Street Journal
The Journal Sentinel

For this module, address the following;

  • Explain what you saw as an example of research
  • Is the research clear?
  • What the intention of the research study was addressing?

this one there is an attached paper that needs to be filled out

You're going to choose 2 brainstorming techniques, and with the topic you've identified, you will use the brainstorming techniques to identify keywords and phrases.

Download the Brainstorming Sheet and fill out the appropriate information. Save to your own computer and then upload here


this one needs to be done in apa format with 2 pages full and refrences

Research happens in everyday life. You can identify research, sometimes easily, in newspapers and magazines.

Every week, you will be using any of the online newspapers below and finding one article that you can identify that shows some sort of research. Look for phrases such as "according to a study", specific data or percentage changes. Pay attention to how that study or data is used and explained in the article. Steer away from opinion articles. Share the link, the author's full name, the date the article was published and the title of the article.

The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Chicago Sun-Times
The Wall Street Journal
The Journal Sentinel

For this module, address the following;

  • Identify an article that contains a thesis statement.
  • Is the thesis statement appropriate for the article?
  • Identify keywords and phrases that might bring this article up in a database search. .


this one connects with the topic you chose to research above and this only has to be 2 good paragraphs


Identify your research topic. Discuss your topic discovery process. What was difficult? Did you identify something that surprised you? What sort issues did you encounter when you did the brainstorming techniques?


this one also connects with the topic and it has to be 2 good pragraphs


Identify your research topic. Discuss your topic discovery process. What was difficult? Did you identify something that surprised you? What sort issues did you encounter when you did the brainstorming techniques?


 this one is a two page paper with refreces

The artist Georges Seurat is one of the world's most fascinating artists. His technique of pointillism was pivotal in inspiring future generations of painters to think about painting in both individualistic and non-conformist ways. This week's reading references many artists from different movements (i.e. Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci).

Conduct research on an artist from any movement that you find interesting. Choose one of their works. Analyze the image using the four visual cues from your reading: color, form, depth, and movement. Explain how the artist makes use of these four cues.

In your deconstruction of the image, also explain how the physiology of the eye helps you to see the four cues.

This paper should be 2-3 pages long. Be sure to cite any resources using proper APA notation



this one is 2 full pages with refrences in apa format


The visual principle of gestalt, pioneered by German Max Wertheimer, is one of great importance in the design world. The statement, "The whole is different than the sum of its parts," summarizes much of the gestalt theory. In this assignment we'll explore this statement in detail.

Choose a famous work of art. The Image Resources in the Course Materials folder should help you find a good source. Look closely at the image and identify several of the individual elements within the image. Imagine the removal of one of these elements. How would the meaning of the image change? Remove a second. With two elements missing, how does the meaning change again?

In a brief 2-3 page analysis, identify the image you chose. Describe the meaning of the image as a whole. Then describe the meaning of the image as the first element is removed and again after the second is removed. What does this exercise show you in terms of how imagery can be used in media?



this one needs to be answerd in 2 good paragphs



Search the Internet for an image from a used as part of an advertisement or published with a written work. Post a link to that image. Provide a brief analysis that looks at both the concepts of visual sensation and visual perception of the image. In what ways did the designer make use of Gestalt theories, constructivism, semiotics, and/or cognitive approaches to help the viewer derive meaning from the visual?




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