#2 Systems in Healthcare


Individual Project 1 1/2 pages


Should healthcare organizations develop disease prevention strategies? Why or why not? Do you think ethically it is their responsibility?

Part 1 (Group):

Each member of the group should use the Library or other Web resources to research this topic. Post the results of your research to the Small Group Discussion Board. Feel free to include examples from personal experience and knowledge from the text readings. Comment on, or ask questions about, other students' postings to clarify points.

Part 2 (Individual):

Each member of the group should create a memo for managers of a health care organization which summarizes his or her research and incorporates useful ideas from the other members.

Please add your file.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.



Discussion Board 4- 6 paragraphs

Quality is one of the three most important parts of healthcare success or lack thereof (cost control and access are the other two).

Identify a quality improvement program in a health care setting of your choice from your readings and/or personal experience. List the components of that program with respect to the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle. Discuss the importance of health care managers and health care providers (physicians and others) working together on quality improvement programming, and the consequences when either participant group (health care manager OR provider) is not actively involved in the program.

Explain the drivers of value in healthcare, considering operational and strategic architecture for quality standards.

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