14-1 related to 11-2 and 10-2



  • Select one of the sites you have been tracking.
  • Prepare a summary of the objectives you believe that site has. The objectives may be a subset of the marketing and business objectives of the organization.
  • List the corresponding metric(s) that would be needed to measure each objective.
  • Present this information in a table that shows objectives and the corresponding metrics.
  • Choose one of the businesses/organizations that you have been following throughout the course that could benefit from a mobile marketing campaign.
  • Develop a campaign outline. Note: This cannot be something that the company is already doing. Include the following elements in your outline:
    • Specific campaign objectives
    • Identification of the target audience
    • Detailed description of the mobile marketing activities
    • Metrics to be used to judge campaign success
    • Timeline for the specific campaign
    • Budget for direct costs incurred
  • Conduct a privacy survey for the three web sites you are tracking. Do they have a privacy policy? Do the policies you find seem to meet the requirements of the Fair Information Practices Principles?
  • Write a 3- to 4-page paper that reports your findings on the company. Include section headers in your paper that correspond to the information required. Include at least 2 to 3 resources besides your textbook. Your paper is to include the following sections:
  • Objectives and Metrics.
    • Include your table of objectives and metrics.
    • Discuss why the metrics are appropriate for the objectives.
  • Mobile Marketing Campaign.
  • Your outline containing the elements listed above.
  • An introduction to your outline that explains why the mobile marketing initiative is important and how it integrates into the overall marketing activities of the business.
  • Describe the privacy policy associated with each web site.
  • Discuss whether the policies meet the requirements of the Fair Information Practices Principles. Explain why or why not?
  • Discuss any similarities or differences in the policies and provide a reason for them.
  • Privacy Survey
    • 10 years ago
    • 15

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