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Question 1
Gemeinschaft is to "intimate community" as Gesellschaft is to:
A. the dawn of civilization.
B. impersonal association.
C. efficiency and perfection.
D. mechanical society.
Question 2
After studying the use of personal space in several cultures, what conclusion did XXXXX XXXXX reach regarding the amount of space people prefer?
The amount of personal space people prefer varies from one culture to another.
B. There is virtually no difference in the amount of personal space preferred by people in different cultures.
C. The amount of personal space preferred by people is universal but fluctuates by season.
D. The amount of personal space preferred by people is dependent upon their level of industrialization.
Question 3
In studied nonobservance, what reaction can be expected when an embarrassing or inappropriate act occurs?
A. The offended party excuses the other party and business continues.
B. Both parties ignore the act and business continues.
C. The party responsible for the act excuses himself or herself and business continues.
D. Both parties discuss the act and decide if they should continue business.
Question 4
__________ is a position in life that one does not choose, but is awarded at birth or is related to the life course.
A. Achieved status
B. Status set
C. Ascribed status
D. Master status
10 years ago
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