10 Slide Count PowerPoint Presentation Not Including title Page & Reference Page


Risk Management: Instructions


The Assignments Below:



The local community college in your area is conducting a class for potential new homeowners (HO). Realtors, bankers, insurance agents, and others in the real estate field have been asked to be guest speakers during this six week course. The class meets once a week, and participants who have signed up for this course in the past include, young single men and women, married couples with and without children, a few “house flippers,” and occasionally an older couple looking to finally see the American dream of home ownership come true. As a seasoned insurance agent you have been approached by the dean of community affairs to create a PowerPoint presentation on what new buyers need to know about homeowners insurance. Your presentation should include:


· The basic coverages provided by the HO insurance forms.

· Define important key terms all homeowners should know before signing any contracts.

· Identify the main property and liability exclusions found in the HO insurance policies and give your “students” background on why these exclusions exist.

· Research and include three other points that your students will need to know when seeking out homeowner’s insurance. Be thorough in your explanation about why these points are important.



You only choose one of the above assignments. Your PowerPoint presentation should include at least 10 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. Make sure to cite all sources used, including your textbook. Save your presentation as a PDF file and submit your assignment to your professor. 

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