10 page paper
bombshellriHello MGT 3550
We are almost approaching the end of the semester; you may want to get started on your final written assignment - guidelines are posted below and on Blackboard
Final Research Paper: 30% of your Final Grade 10-15 Pages ** Due Date Nov 20, 2016 11:59 PM.
Your final research paper will be on topic (Problem Statement) - or one of the many covered in the course). You are to pick an area passionate to you and conduct your analysis - you MUST have a minimum of 20 outside Sources (Referenced) used to back up your analysis. (Sources from: books, online library, Internet sources, newspapers etc) Not Wikipedia. Paraphrase and give credit to authors accordingly – The Final Research Paper MUST be submitted directly on Blackboard (Turnitin will check for Plagiarism).
As you conduct your extensive research remember:
- Start by introducing your chosen topic and the existing problem or content that you will address in your research. Remember to indicate the problem or main key points you will address. The objective in this section is to catch the attention of the reader to and generate interest in your research and also provide a frame of reference for understanding your research. Ensure that your introduction has clarity for the reader.
- Mandatory requirement of integrating 20 outside credible sources: sites such as Cheng library/online; Google Scholar; published journals; business sites: Business Intelligence or Wall Street Journal; and other business sources to back up your analysis.
- Non credible sources will not be credited towards the 20 outside sources requirements.
- Note: The Final Must have content that is your original work with credit to authors and submitted directly on Blackboard where Turnitin will check for Plagiarism
- Aim for 10% similarity maximum as the references are excluded on Blackboard.
The assignment expectations include all listed below:
- No Spelling errors permitted (use spell check)
- Grammar must be correct and flow concisely for easy reading
- Short clear paragraphs - sentences 3 to 5 make a paragraph
- First person “I” should be minimally used (suggestion - don’t use “I “ in your writing – Except in your Reflection)
- Stay away from words such as: IF / IT / We / So / They /That / Them / As stated before / As noted before / As I said earlier / In my opinion / I am talking about / I am writing about the case study / I expressed my opinion that .. etc
- NO DIRECT QUOTES permitted – You MUST paraphrase and give credit to authors accordingly
- You must use all 20 outside resources within your writing (you may cite the book (but do not count as part of the 20 sources)
- In-text citations – Must be used in your paper (not necessary to include in the abstract section) https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/03/
- Synthesis is mandatory – give multiple real time business and society events (sharing what is similar and what is different in the topic of discussion)
- Provide exemplary work by sharing business related examples that match your case study and those that need some effort to improve.
- All personal opinions should be under Level header “Reflection” before you conclude your writing
- No section should have your person opinion – except the reflection section (before you conclude your writing).
- Use of APA is Mandatory: (see Template).
- Title page with “Running head title and page numbers followed by title and page numbers consecutively.
- Abstract - summary of your paper in 120 words or less (Mini story).
- Keywords - List the keywords that you used through paper (Do not define them on this section)
- Abstract and Keywords Must be on one page.
- You MUST Use Level heading – First, second, third, fourth consecutively (as shown on the APA template or below) for the Introduction and through the Body of Paper
- Each level header is a topic to prepare the reader of the content you will address next
- Use the level headers as you synthesize your writing – (compare and contrast)
Level | Style |
1 | Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase |
2 | Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase |
3 | Indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. |
4 | Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. |
5 | Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. |
Source: Retrieved from http://core.ecu.edu
- Introduction – (can be labeled as any Title of your wish)
This section will allow you to introduce your chosen topic and the existing problem or content that you will address in your research. Remember to indicate the problem or main key points you will address. The objective in this section is to catch the attention of the reader to and generate interest in your research and also provide a frame of reference for understanding your research. Ensure that your introduction has clarity for the reader.
- Presentation of your findings - This is the body of your research (As you present your findings YOU MUST use level headers as listed above)
Provide a description of your findings ensure that you use outside sources to confirm, disconfirm, or extend knowledge in your research topic by comparing findings with other studies. You can also tie your findings or disputes to other real time business practices. YOU MUST COMPARE AND CONTRAST YOUR RESEARCH.
- Recommendation for Action
Based on your research findings, what would you recommend? This section should include your recommendations of the steps to be taken and how others (firms) can benefit from your research findings.
- Reflection – is Mandatory
- Beneficial for providing personal opinions (you may use I in this section)
- This section should recap the major points of your paper and should also interpret what you have written and what the content means in the bigger picture.
- Summary and Study Conclusion
This is the take-home message. Close your research with a strong statement(s) making the reader clearly understand research objective(s).
- References
- All listed references must exist in the body of your paper as in-text citations and vice versa.
- References must be listed in alphabetical order.
- Not permitted to ONLY list home page URL - locate the author / list if company source (or find other credible sources).
Few examples of correctly listed References
Citing books:
Mboga, R. C., & Victory, R. R. (2015). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Online article
Mboga, M. (2015). 10 Tips on Writing the Living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from http://www.alistapart.com
Online article with doi:
Mboga, D. (2015). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161
Mboga, T. (2015, October 11). Psychiatry Handbook Linked to Drug Industry. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://well.blogs.nytimes.com
- Appendix / Tables & Figures (Optional)
Any tables, charts, pictures MUST be listed in Appendix not body of your paper (other inserts you referenced through your study).
Not clear or have concerns – Email (mbogaj@wpunj.edu)or speak to me in person.
Good Luck
Dr. Jet
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